Spiders are not fun to have around your home. It is partly due to the fact that they can easily startle you. It is also because they create sticky webs that cling to your skin when you pass through them. But it is mostly because some spiders bite. If you would prefer to have fewer spiders lurking on your property, we have good news for you. We've put together a quick and comprehensive guide to help you keep Phoenix spiders out. We're covering all the bases today. You're sure to learn something new and interesting about these eight-legged pests. As always, remember that your Overson Pest Control service team is here to assist you with solving pest problems. We provide general pest control services that address spider pressures and manage spider populations. We also have a spider removal service if you have a particular spider you're concerned about in your Phoenix home. Check out our residential pest control page or contact us for advice and service options. We're here to help.
Spider Identification: How To Recognize Different Species
Step one in spider prevention is understanding your adversaries. Different spiders have different attributes. In this section, we'll cover the common types found near Phoenix and provide some identifying traits to help you tell common house spiders apart from each other.
American House Spiders: These are the most common spiders we have in our homes. They actually have the word "house" in their name, which says a lot about them. American house spiders (often called house spiders) can live entirely indoors. In fact, when you catch one of these and put it outside, it may have a hard time surviving. These are small spiders with a bulbous orb for an abdomen. You'll find them in every corner of your home, particularly near windows and light fixtures.
Cellar Spiders: There are a few spiders that hang out in your garage. These are generally called cellar spiders. The most common is the long-bodied cellar spider or daddy longlegs. You can tell most cellar spiders by their exceptionally long legs. In general, cellar spiders are entirely harmless, as they aren't able to bite humans. However, they can make a mess of your garage, attic, and storage rooms by creating lots of webs. You'll find these spiders in dark, secluded, and humid environments.
Wolf Spiders: These are hairy, mid-sized spiders. If you see a spider with a two to three inch leg span, you're likely looking at a wolf spider. Wolf spiders have great eyesight and hunt for their prey by chasing them down rather than creating webs to catch them. You'll see these spiders randomly as they skitter across hardwood floors and carpets. But you won't see them for long. They'll head back to their holes and hiding places.
Black Widow Spiders: These are black spiders with a red hourglass mark on the bottom of the abdomen. They are outdoor spiders that occasionally get inside when conditions are right. They build messy webs close to the ground. You'll find black widows in your garage, attic, or storage room. You can drive these spiders out by addressing the food source that brought them inside, namely bugs and insects inside your home.
Brown Recluse Spiders: These spiders can survive well indoors and grow large populations. You'll find them in secluded spaces because, as their name suggests, they are reclusive. While they don't make webs to capture prey, they do create them. You'll find brown recluse webs near the floor and around gaps, cracks, and other openings. To identify a brown recluse, look for the dark brown violin mark on its back.
When you find spiders in your home, the next step is to consider the risks. As you probably know, some spiders are dangerous. But there are a few facts you may not realize about spiders and spider bites. Let's take a look.
Spider Problems: Why You Don't Want These Arachnids In Your Home
Most spiders that cause harm are outdoor spiders. A bite from a spider often feels like a pinprick or bee sting. The worst of all outdoor spiders is the black widow because of its potent venom, which can cause flu-like and sometimes severe symptoms. But not all black widow bites result in symptoms. A black widow can cause a dry bite, which is a wound that has no venom. When this happens, you won't experience any symptoms, other than localized pain. Another factor to consider is that a female (which are the ones that bite) is likely to flee rather than bite unless it is protecting eggs. Dry bites are also most likely to occur away from the spider's web and its eggs.
The other spider to watch out for is the brown recluse. It has a venom that causes necrosis. But they aren't nearly as harmful as you might think. Being reclusive, these spiders don't tend to come in contact with you if it's possible to avoid interaction. If you deal with an infestation early, there is little or no chance you'll get bitten unless you disturb a hole where a recluse is keeping its eggs.
The reason to get rid of arachnids in your home is not because they'll hunt you down and bite you. It is about avoiding accidental encounters. Let's take a look at a few ways you can prevent spider infestations or drive spiders out of your home.
Preventing Spider Infestations: Practical Tips And Tricks
The secret to spider prevention is understanding how spider infestations begin. We've covered some of the reasons already. Now it is time to bring everything together and look at practical tips and tricks.
- Some spiders make webs in and around homes. You don't want spiders spinning webs in your living space for a few reasons. Spider webs are a nuisance, but they are also the place where spiders lay their eggs. These egg sacs are defended by the female spiders, and they are also a source of spiders. Depending on the species, a single egg sac can have 300 spider eggs in it. That is a lot of spiders! Remove the webs and crush any egg sacs you find to prevent new spiders and discourage those that are already living in your home. Wear gloves while doing this.
- Spiders that don't make webs are prone to get into holes and recesses. Use expanding foam to fill in any holes or gaps in your foundation or exterior walls to remove the incentive for these arachnids to find a way indoors.
- Spiders that hide in holes will also hide in objects near your home. Address junk piles, stored objects, campfire wood, brush piles, etc. Keep the perimeter next to your home as clear as possible, and remove debris from under your decks.
- Spiders eat insects, bugs, and other spiders. When you reduce pest activity around your home, you will reduce spider populations. You can reduce many pests with sanitation, proper garbage removal, keeping lights off at night, addressing moisture problems, and eliminating entry points.
- Spiders that prefer secluded spaces are drawn to areas that are dusty or dirty. Keeping your garage clean and wiping down surfaces can deter spiders from making webs. Reduce clutter to minimize places where spiders can hide.
Practical steps like these let spiders know they're not welcome in or near your home. When you have fewer spiders around your home, the risk of them getting inside is diminished. If they ever do wind up with a spider infestation in your Phoenix home, remember that Overson Pest Control is available to help you deal with them quickly.
Professional Spider Control: When To Call In The Experts
Okay. We've covered a lot of ground. You know the different kinds of spiders we have in Phoenix. You know some of the risks that come with having spiders around, but also that you don't need to fear spiders. You're now armed with prevention tips to keep spiders out of your home. So, when is it time to call the experts? Do you wait until you see black widows or brown recluses? Do you wait until spiders are appearing frequently indoors? The best time to call in the experts is right now. You don't have to wait until you have a problem. Professional Phoenix pest control can not only help you get rid of spiders but also prevent spider problems before they happen. A year-round pest control service plan addresses many of the pests in your yard that are food for spiders. You get routine exterior treatments to deter pests from getting inside and spider web removal to directly reduce existing spider populations. You can start with a pest control plan at any time.
Are you in Phoenix? Reach out to Overson Pest Control for spider control near you and begin pest control services for your home. We'll help you find the right fit for your family and your property. Spiders aren't the only pests that can pester you. Get relief from spiders and other pests and make your home resistant to infestations. Connect with us today by text, email, or phone. We look forward to helping.