Which Spiders In Glendale AZ Are Most Harmful To Humans?
Spiders are common pests that frighten many people. With their eight legs and multiple eyes, spiders certainly do have a creepy appearance. Spiders are arachnids, meaning they belong to the same family as scorpions, mites, and ticks. Although spiders play an important role in the ecosystem by preying on nuisance insects, you don’t want to find them living in or around your Glendale property.
Spiders are reclusive by nature and prefer to avoid contact with humans. However, they will bite you if they feel threatened. All spiders have venomous bites to paralyze their prey, but only a few spiders have venom strong enough to cause health issues in humans. Here in Glendale, the most dangerous species of spider found around commercial and residential properties are black widow spiders.
Black widow spiders have glossy black bodies with a distinctive red marking on their abdomens, often shaped like an hourglass. If you believe you’ve been bitten by a black widow spider, you should always seek immediate medical attention. The best way to avoid dealing with dangerous spiders around your property is to implement an effective pest management plan from Overson Pest Control. We have the skills and experience needed to keep your Glendale property free of all kinds of pests, including spiders.
Reach out to us today to learn more about our spider control options!
Commercial Pest Control In Glendale, AZ
As a business owner, it’s your goal to give your customers an experience they enjoy. However, if pests get into your commercial property and start causing problems, your customers won’t want to return to your Glendale business in the future. To defend your property against the area’s toughest pests, turn to the skilled professionals here at Overson Pest Control.
We’re dedicated to protecting your Glendale business from pests by relying on excellent treatments and proven pest control methods. Because we understand that every business has unique pest control needs, we provide both monthly and bi-monthly service options. With our technicians by your side, you can rest easy knowing that your business is in good hands. Get in touch with Overson Pest Control today to learn more about our comprehensive commercial pest control plans.
Why Bees in Glendale AZ Should Always Be Left to the Professionals
Bee control in Arizona can be a lot more dangerous than it is in the rest of the country. This is because we have the infamous Africanized honey bee all over our home state. These violently aggressive bees are often called “killer bees” because of their penchant for mounting brutal attacks on any animal or person they perceive as a threat and chasing their victims, sometimes for up to a quarter of a mile!
While not every bee in our area is an Africanized honey bee, It can be extremely difficult for the average homeowner to tell the difference. Furthermore, safety equipment is required to remove bees of all varieties, including and especially the Africanized honey bee. All bees will defend their nests when they are disturbed, meaning there is no real way for amateur pest control enthusiasts to remove bees without putting themselves at risk.
That's why if you notice any bee’s nests on your property, you should contact the experts here at Overson Pest Control immediately. We have all the equipment and expertise to safely remove bees from your property, whether they are aggressive Africanized honey bees or a more docile variety.
The Best Way To Prevent Rodent Activity In Glendale AZ
Rodent control in Glendale is more difficult than it is in many other areas of the country because of our environment. Many of the pest rodent varieties that live in Glendale are transplants that have followed humans into the desert. This means they are often entirely dependent upon us for survival, which makes them desperate and determined to get into our homes.
In order to stop rodent invasions, you will have to take strong measures to make your home harder to enter and less attractive to them. These measures include:
- Cover all trash cans on your property with tight lids.
- Eliminate all easy water sources, such as birdbaths and outdoor water bowls.
- Store all pantry foods in airtight, hard-shell containers.
- Never leave pet foods or pet bowls sitting out.
- Seal all construction gaps in your home’s exterior with wire mesh that rodents cannot chew through.
Taking these measures can help make your home inconvenient enough for rodents that they decide to move on to easier pickings.
How The Experts Stop Termites Around Glendale AZ Properties
Termite control services are vital for all residential properties, regardless of whether or not you suspect you have a termite infestation. The reality is that it is incredibly easy to wind up with termites and not know it for a substantial amount of time.
Termites eat wood. This means that they do not need to leave their nests to scavenge the way that ants do. Thus, you might go months or even years with an active termite infestation and never know it until you have already incurred significant and costly damage.
That's why the best way to protect yourself from termites is to have an annual termite inspection performed by a reputable pest professional at least once a year. Termite inspections can help you catch active infestations early and nip them in the bud before they do expensive damage. Inspections can also help you understand and mitigate conducive conditions that could attract termites to your home.
So don't wait. Schedule your termite inspection with Overson Pest Control today. We can help protect your Glendale home from future termite infestations, as well as eliminate active termites from your property.
Warning Signs Of Gopher Damage Glendale AZ Homeowners Should Be Aware Of
Gophers are one of those kinds of pests that you don't really worry about until you have them. Unlike cockroaches, rats, and termites, gophers are probably pretty far down on your pest control priority list. This is okay since these outdoor rodents do less damage than indoor ones, and they are not notorious for spreading human diseases, as rats and mice are.
However, that doesn't mean you want to roll out the red carpet for gophers. These rodents can do outdoor damage to your lawn that may be costly to repair and leave your yard looking lifeless.
One of the main signs of gopher presence is the gopher mound. Mounds are formed when gophers burrow into the ground, pushing dirt up to the surface as they dig. These mounds of fresh soil are telltale signs that you have a gopher problem. You may also start to notice long strips of dead grass. These dead patches are directly over the gophers’ tunnel system.
You will also likely start to notice damage to your plants, as gophers eat their roots out from under them. If you start seeing these issues, contact professional gopher control services right away. Here at Overson Pest Control, we can help you protect your lawn from these hungry rodents that like to chow down on all your plants. So don't wait. Click or call today.